Paddy Irish Whiskey

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About Paddy Irish Whiskey

Paddy is a triple-distilled, blended, Irish Whiskey, made from a unique blend of pot still, malt and grain whiskeys. Paddy owes its name to the legendary distillery salesman, Paddy Flaherty. Famed throughout his native county Cork for buying rounds of his favourite tipple, he became so synonymous with the whiskey he sold, that in 1913 the distillery owner paid him the ultimate tribute by renaming the whiskey 'Paddy' in his honour. 


Paddy Irish Whiskey will be offering samples of:

Select samples across the range

Whiskey Live Dublin

Not long to go...

About Us

The Celtic Whiskey Shop are organisers of Whiskey Live Dublin and the Irish Whiskey Awards. The shop was founded in 2003 and has become the favourite place for Irish Whiskey lovers around the world.

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For general information about Whiskey Live Dublin, including registration, please contact us at:
 info (@)
  +353 1675 9744
 +353 1675 9768
 27-28 Dawson St, Dublin, Ireland