Stafford Irish Spirits


About Stafford Irish Spirits


The Stafford family is as rooted in county Wexford as the harvest they lovingly produce. Potato & Cereal growers, famed for the quality and consistency of their crops. Theirs is the proud heritage of a humble staple. And now that has produced another yield – of premium, locally sourced, locally distilled spirits.

Slaney Farms, home of Jackford Irish Potato Gin and Irish Strawberry Gin are based in Enniscorthy, County Wexford and the core ingredient of the potato gin is the Rooster potato, making this gin as Irish as any spirit could possibly get.


Stafford Irish Spirits will be offering:


Select samples across their range

Whiskey Live Dublin

Not long to go...

About Us

The Celtic Whiskey Shop are organisers of Whiskey Live Dublin and the Irish Whiskey Awards. The shop was founded in 2003 and has become the favourite place for Irish Whiskey lovers around the world.

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For general information about Whiskey Live Dublin, including registration, please contact us at:
 info (@)
  +353 1675 9744
 +353 1675 9768
 27-28 Dawson St, Dublin, Ireland